Sophie is perfect for K-mac right now. She's bright white and brown, which makes it easier for her to see. She also squeaks easier which puts both a smile on her face and our dog, Bandit's. She is made with 100% natural rubber and food paint and EVERY inch of her is chewable and soft. Sophie weighs just about nothing and has a super long neck that K-Mac can easily grasp. Heaven. In a Giraffe.
I love that she is finally "getting" toys. She will grasp Sophie, some rattles, and will hit her activity gym's musical toys. I'm sure she doesn't understand the cause and effect aspect yet, but we'll get there. K-Mac is finally starting the whole "playing" thing. She's sitting still for books and watches me turn pages and my mouth move. Progress!
We also have started another adventure recently. Cloth Diapers. I was terrified but curious. Thankfully, I've been blessed with a pretty good group of mommy friends, one is particular, nice and patient enough to literally talk me through the entire process. Fantastic. So, with her advice we are now cloth diapering with gDiapers.
These things are crazy. I bought the starter pack, which came with 6 diapers. They have these nylon like snap in parts on the inside. On those you place either your biodegradable liners or your hemp washable liners. The bio refills can be flushed, compost, or tossed. The washables are super absorbent and not expensive. Some fun facts about why I switched:
- average baby uses 6,000 diapers. we buy the 72 pack for $25. do the math.
- 6,000 diapers = 715 lbs = 1 female polar bear = all members of The Rolling Stones. Interesting.
- 8 a day will save the earth 1,824 qts of oil, 876 lbs of plastic, & 2,918 lbs of CO2.
- i don't have to worry about chemicals (and chemical burns, if you remember that incident)
So far, no leaks! We've worn them for naps, for play, for tummy time, and for a pretty long trip around town. We're excited!