Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm proud to announce that K-Mac can recognize and tell you the name and the sounds of 8 different animals.

  1. Dog Dog - Woof woof
  2. Kitty Cat - Meow
  3. Bees - Bezzz bezzzzzzz
  4. Rudy (Horse) - Neighhh
  5. Duck - Quack quack
  6. Ticken (Chicken) - Ba bac bac bac
  7. Bird - Weet weet (Tweet)
  8. Cow - Moooo
Yes, I'm super proud.  She still can't tell the difference between a spoon, fork, or a knife (they are all spoons in K-Mac world) but whatever!  Our kid is smart!

She did not want to attend Church this day..

Just made a cheerio cute!

Meeting Santa!

Play time with Daddy!