Tuesday, April 26, 2011

K-Mac's Very First Easter (Picture Post)


Watching eggs get colored

Our gown

Handsome Uncle JB

Sleepy Baby

Flower Family

Friday, April 22, 2011

Babbles and Coos and Smiles OH MY!

K-Mac has been smiling in her sleep since she was 2 weeks old.  We'd sit there for hours, taking turns capturing her sleepy smiles.  What she may have been dreaming of (my guess was designer diapers and toddler boys) we'll never know, but it sure made her happy.  It is an incredible feeling now, in just the past two weeks, she's begun to smile at US.

She cries in her crib, we walk into her room, BAM, all smiles.  She's hungry, she sees us with a bottle and WOW, smiles.  She's playing in her swing/boppy/activity gym while we walk by, lock eyes and POW, smiles.

But now we are branching out in our self expression universe.  K-Mac doesn't just smile at her daddy and I.  She TALKS.

This started around week eight.  She will belt out a long coo that sounds something like "Aaaohh" and "Merrowww" and "A-wah".  We'll ask her questions to engage her and she'll respond with one of her words.  My favorite activity is repeating what she says.  She gets visibly excited by our interaction and will continue.  We'll go back and forth in her made up language and she'll kick and coo, all the while rocking out to a big toothless grin.  I can't wait to learn more imaginary words with her.  K-Mac, you are truely the best teacher I've had.

Momma and K-Mac

K-Mac mid sentence

Palm Sunday outfit

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Shots

Thursday, K-Mac had to visit the doc.  She weighs TEN POUNDS and 4 ounces.  Holy smokes!  She's also 22.05 inches tall now.  Maybe she'll be tall like her daddy.  We were concerned that she wasn't getting enough to eat so we talked to her doctor about that.  Sounds like we'll be starting solids when she's four months so hopefully she'll mellow out with the growing thing until then.  We also have two confirmed TEETH.  Yes.  TEETH.  But they haven't cut through yet (thank goodness). 

Her vaccines started with Polio, which is ingested in a little tube.  Kyra enjoyed it.  I don't understand.  But apparently it was tasty because she smacked her lips and did her "more please" cry when the nurse took away the empty tube. 

Next up were the three shots that went into her thighs.  She didn't cry for the first one (DTaP- which is for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) but as soon as they stuck her with two and three...ugh.  She screamed.  But we are now vaccinated for pneumococcal disease, rotavirus, and hib.  Afterwards I fed her and she passed out. 

She didn't have a problem for the rest of the day, which was something I was nervous about, considering I went back to work (woo hoo) on Friday.

Leaving the doctor!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

And So It Starts..

I wanted to start a blog so that our friends and family, near and far, can get to know K-Mac.  It's important to us that she knows all of you too so feel free to comment on any post!  I hope to update this at least once a week with pictures and stories.  Thanks for tuning in!!  I'll leave you with some pictures of her life so far..

nice to meet you, I'm mom

First Family Picture

First Bath

Sushi Bar


Little Chub

Blue Eyes :)