Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm proud to announce that K-Mac can recognize and tell you the name and the sounds of 8 different animals.

  1. Dog Dog - Woof woof
  2. Kitty Cat - Meow
  3. Bees - Bezzz bezzzzzzz
  4. Rudy (Horse) - Neighhh
  5. Duck - Quack quack
  6. Ticken (Chicken) - Ba bac bac bac
  7. Bird - Weet weet (Tweet)
  8. Cow - Moooo
Yes, I'm super proud.  She still can't tell the difference between a spoon, fork, or a knife (they are all spoons in K-Mac world) but whatever!  Our kid is smart!

She did not want to attend Church this day..

Just made a cheerio cute!

Meeting Santa!

Play time with Daddy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This is over sharing..

K-Mac has been killing this potty training thing.  Like, hardly has accidents during the day.  Nights are a whole other story because we are just not that dedicated yet.  I mean, she's not even two.  We'll give it time. But this morning, she sat on her potty, goes "pees pees" and then tells me "not all done".

This is where is gets gross, so feel free to turn away.

She toots.  Then she giggles.  And THEN she says, "uh oh...oh man potty, it's poo poo".  And she proceeds to do as promised.  I just died laughing when she "warned" her potty.

I bought a crazy ridiculous potty that sings every time she uses it successfully so it's probably nothing more then another toy for her.  But, whatever!  It's working!

Now, if you'll excuse me, she's feeding the kitten animal crackers and apple juice.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September Times

Old McDonald had a farm...

I sing this song on repeat.  If we are in a car, it is expected of me to mute the radio and sing this song until we get to our destination.  Sometimes, Momma has to improvise and sing about Old McDonald's zoo, his various vehicles, and so on.

But, this is kind of good.

Kyra now knows 4 animal sounds!  Ask her what the dog, cat, horse, or chicken say and she's got your back.  She may also start yelling "Eeeiiiieeeiiiiooooo" and you may have to sing the whole song to her.  It's a risk.

Other adventures:

  • The word, "Baby".  All of her stuffed animals are now her babies.  She calls them baby and insists on keeping one under her arm when sleeping or in the car.
  • Kisses!  She's a mouth kisser to the max these days.  It's cute.  And drool covered.
  • "Get that!"  Her new phrase.  It really comes in handy when she's having a meltdown during breakfast.  Now I know whether she wants captain crunch or apple jacks without having to fill a bowl of each.
  • "I gee booo"  I love you.  
  • "Bye bye".  Really cute, unless we're visiting someone and she says it to me because she wants me to leave.  
  • "Shoes?  Go?"  She's pretty clear when she wants to put her shoes on and go outside.  She's even trying to do it herself.  I wish she'd slow down!  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I've been a bad blogger

It's been a while.  Like, a LONG while.  So, let me catch you guys up on the happenings in Kyra Land.

Kyra is an 18 month old, walking, talking, running, throwing, screaming, dancing, bundle of energy at 31 inches tall and 22 pounds.

Her Favorite Words:
Momma and Dadddd...she says those a lot.  No, Hiiiiiii, Thaaaaank Youuuu, Num Nums, Banana, Grendel (our dog's name), More, Down, Aww, Gum (which means cup...I don't get it either), Neighhh, Weeeee (when on a swing), Go!, One Two Tree, Red Set (ready isn't a word yet), and a bunch of other gibberish sound effects.

Mom and Dad's New Catch Phrases:
Stop, Get your finger out of your nose, Use your words, Calm down, Please let me change your diaper, Don't you want to brush your teeth?, and a bunch of rambling on and on about us not understanding how she grew up and turned into a monster toddler so quick.

Kyra's Likes:
Dancing, trucks, spinning, swinging, dogs, cats, horses, birds, trees, lights, music, mocking Mommy while she works out, and swimming.

She has turned into such a little character.  She's funny, flirty, and a little bit crazy.

Like us.